We are manifesting sacred activism in school children on a global scale.

Ho’oponopono is the Hawaiian concept of forgiveness and making things right.
Ho’opononpono, Make Our Environment Right, is an environmental project created by Kindness in Action, Inc. USA, with the specific intention of manifesting sacred activism in school children on a global scale. The logo was created based on the flora and fauna of the Hawaiian islands. It is intended to create a sense of well-being and motivation to create a better world, a healthy environment for our children.
LATEST NEWS (23 August 2022) - We sent a small shipment of environmental and character building books (in Memory of one of our donors). Please see the following video and photos. We are very pleased the books arrived and hope the students at Ndemu Primary School will be inspired.

To help primary school children on a global scale manifest a love for Planet Earth by protecting and caring for her.
To create a tailor made environmental curriculum for primary school students that will enhance their ability to create a unique school environmental programme that is in tune with their cultural and spiritual practices.
Why Did Kindness in Action Create this pilot project? Not everyone is meant to be a sacred activist. It has been our experience that many of our children do not have the resources to embrace love of community, love of nature and even love of self. It is our intention that the Hawaiian concept of Ho’oponopono, (forgiveness) can help students understand how to say they are sorry, how to ask for forgiveness, how to show gratitude and how to say “I love you” to start the healing process from within to create a catalyst for lasting, positive change.
Ndemu Primary School, Laikepia, Nanyuki, Kenya
Nicholas Gitonga, Principal Chairman
Patrick Muriungi, I.C.T. Secretary
Joshua Meme, Managing Team
Evalyne Maina, Tree and Nursery Caretaker
This school has access to the internet via smart phones belonging to school teachers. There is one school computer but the school does not have a printer or photocopier. The school has access to a sizeable amount of land for planting trees, herbs and vegetables. This school has already participated in our Komba Safaris to Ol Pejeta where their 4th grade students met the last 2 northern white rhino.
4th and 5th grade students
UN Goal
Good Health and Well Being (Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.)
Tree and vegetable planting
One environmental class per week from materials provided by us.
One art theme regarding the environment once per month.
One environmental activity for the entire school per month (we will provide you with suggestions and encourage you (teachers and students) to be creative and come up with your own ideas.
To make things right with the environment by creating the following:
an environmental curriculum tailor made for each primary school
plant trees, fruit trees and vegetable gardens with the goal of creating nurseries for income generating purposes
teach one environmental class per week (no longer than 30 minutes) from the materials provided by Kindness in Action, Inc., USA
provide the opportunity to engage in one art class per month or per week addressing the theme provided by Kindness in Action, Inc.
commit to monthly feedback so that we can make the appropriate modifications for your curriculum
commit to one environmental activity for the entire school on a monthly basis (we can provide you with suggestions and we encourage you to be creative and come up with your own ideas, as well).