How we work
Kindness in Action, Inc. understands the need for a swift and efficient policy regarding the distribution of funds for overseas projects. We receive proposals on an ongoing basis and award grants on a rolling basis. The chances of being selected improve with a well-written and concise project proposal. Objectives must be clearly stated along with definitive timetables for distribution of funds and future goals. If selected, your organization will have to follow the following requirements.
Please note that we are a 501(c)(3) charitable organization in the United States. We are registered in the state of Maryland. Our 501(c)(3) status, as determined by the Internal Revenue Service, allows us to receive donations which are tax exempt. While this special status is an incentive for donors to give us money, it also places certain requirements on our activities, such as reporting and record-keeping. The list below has three objectives, it adheres to our IRS obligations, it encourages and protects our donors’ contributions and it helps you, the potential recipient, understand why we work the way that we do. We believe in transparency and hope that this policy will promote harmony for us all.

Recipient submits “Proposal” to Kindness in Action, Inc, attention, Rachael Blair, Executive Director (kindnessinactionusa@gmail.com). In most cases, the “Recipient” must be a registered charity able to receive foreign contributions. The Kindness in Action Board of Directors reviews the “Proposal”. This process takes about 2 weeks. If the “Proposal” meets KIA’s mission objectives, the Board of Directors will discuss the possibility of funding the entire project or part of the project, depending on the availability of funds.
If the Kindness in Action Board of Directors agrees to fund all or part of a “Proposal”, the recipient must agree to the following (if applicable):
provide KIA with copies of government issued, charity registration documents (this includes any documents allowing the organization to receive foreign donations);
provide a timetable for distribution of funds;
provide a Project plan (i.e., start date, completion date, goals);
provide progress reports on a monthly basis;
provide financial statements and receipts on a monthly basis (in some cases, a financial statement with a chartered accountant’s stamp verifying the expenditure is acceptable in lieu of receipts);
provide final report (i.e., total cost, objectives met, future needs);
provide photos of the event (e.g., health camps, distribution of medicine kits, new uniforms, construction work, etc.);
allow KIA to visit the project site or sites at least once a year;
allow KIA to include a description of the project on our website which will include photos; and,
advertise your collaboration with KIA in your local and national newspapers, magazines, newsletters, radio shows, website, facebook and other social media.