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Our Mission

Kindness in Action, Inc., is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit, charitable organization registered in Maryland, USA. Our mission is to promote children's education and health throughout the world.


Our objectives are:

  • to promote and advance the human rights of children

  • to promote the importance of health care and education

  • to promote sustainable rural development

  • to create environmental awareness programmes

  • to promote income-generating activities for women

  • to construct schools, clinics and other necessary building projects

  • to create programs that enhance a child’s imagination

  • to create a kindness curriculum


This painting is from a photo taken outside of Trichy, India at the Peter J. Gallindo Sanctuary for Elderly Widows.

Founder's Message


This photo was taken in Richmond, South Africa. spread kindness

One of my dreams was to create a charitable organization for children and women and in 1999, I began doing research.  I spoke to attorneys and other individuals who had some expertise in the field of philanthropy.  I was immediately discouraged because I was told it would be difficult, very expensive and would probably fail within a year.  On that note, I closed the book on my dream and moved on.  In November of 2000, I led a habitat team to Nepal and had a life-changing experience.  I met an Iranian medical doctor who was helping the poor in Kathmandu.  He had been doing this for about 3 years and was not getting paid.  He relied solely on the generosity of friends, family and strangers.  His primary work involved sponsoring health camps in rural areas of Nepal.  He served as the attending physician and gave medical check-ups to both children and adults.  When possible, he would get the help of visiting doctors, nurses and other volunteers who just wanted to share their skills and talents.  I came across this fine doctor one day because one of my friends had hurt her ankle and needed medical attention.  We went to see him and one week later, we cancelled our trip to India and spent a week volunteering with him in the Chitwan area of Nepal. 


My dreams of starting my own charitable organization re-surfaced.  The following year I invited two good friends, Liz Haworth and Charlotte Bell to help me distribute medication, food, clothing and school supplies in the Chitwan area of Nepal.  We then went to Calcutta and volunteered at the Shishu Bhavan, a Mother Teresa orphanage.  We worked with young children who were very sick. Some were physically challenged and others were just malnourished. 


About 7 months later, it took a gentle blow to my head (nothing serious) for an epiphany to strike.  At the time of this incident, I was reading Paolo Coehlo’s wonderful book, “The Alchemist.”  There is an extraordinary verse in there about how the Universe conspires to make something happen when you truly want it.  Those words never left my side.  They were like lightning.  They created the determination and perseverance I needed to start a charitable organization for children and women.  The time was NOW.  I returned to the U.S. sometime in May 2001 and by November of that year, I had incorporated Random Acts of Kindness, Inc., now known as KINDNESS IN ACTION, INC and started our first project in the Mustang, Nepal.  Since then, I have worked with many compassionate individuals and organizations that understand our moral duty to spread goodwill and kindness.

In lumine,


Rachael Blair

© 2024 by Kindness In Action, Inc.

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