Providing food relief to children and adults in Tamil, Nadu, India

The COVID-19 pandemic has severely affected India and the contagion has been on a steep rise. The outbreak affects all segments of the population and is particularly detrimental to members of specific social groups facing vulnerable situations, especially those with physical and mental disabilities. The pandemic induced lockdown has put many in serious peril. With this particular area being hard-hit (Ramanathapuram and Sivagangai Districts in Tamil Nadu), starvation is a major challenge as these groups do not have the means to access basic food commodities.
The beneficiaries are chosen by village leaders with the help of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart. Kindness in Action has a long and fruitful history with this institution. We helped the Brothers, under the guidance of Brother Augustine K. Raj, build a school called the Arulchandru Center for Mentally Handicapped Children in Paramakudi, Tamil Nadu and then assisted with furniture for their kitchen and dining hall.
Report from Brother Augustine 21 August 2020:
Food parcels were delivered to 204 families which is more than the 170 we expected (23 for mentally and physically challenged, 49 for widows, 11 for single mothers, 9 for widowers, 17 single parents, 8 for abandoned elderly, 64 for economically vulnerable, 19 for migrant workers, 3 for homeless, 1 for laundry washer).
Kindness in Action appreciates the quick and compassionate efforts of Brother Augustine and his team. Within one week of receiving funds, he was able to gather and distribute food parcels in a week. We send our gratitude to the Brothers of the Sacred Heart.